As we continue to confront the youth mental health crisis in this country, The Friends of Semel is proud to have created new meaningful and relevant programs to address this growing societal concern.
The Teen Advisory Council (TAC) - 45 highly motivated and passionate high school students from public and independent schools throughout Los Angeles interested in mental health, well-being, and neuroscience. Activities have included:
“By Teens for Teens” Open Mind program: A screening of the documentary film, Anxious Nation, followed by a panel discussion about teen anxiety curated by and featuring TAC members
Meet the Scientists: A day of visits to labs of preeminent Semel Institute scientists, followed by lunch and informal conversations with faculty
Mental Health Networking: An evening presented by the UCLA Student Active Minds chapter, with professionals sharing information about careers in mental health and related disciplines.
Gen Z Wellness Summit: To be held on Sunday, February 25, at UCLA, free to high school and college students, featuring discussions about the unique mental health challenges of today’s youth. Gen Z spoken word artists and musicians passionate about mental health will perform.
The Open Mind Film Festival for High School Students: Students from throughout the country submit short original films about their unique and personal mental health challenges. In 2023, 130 films were submitted with nine top films chosen by a panel of judges and screened at the festival. Now in its fourth year, the 2024 festival will be presented in person on April 21 at UCLA and also live-streamed.
With your generous philanthropy, in addition to our new youth-focused programs, we will continue to:
Present the Open Mind Community Lecture and Film Series, virtually bringing together world-renowned thought leaders in science and culture forfree relevant and informative programs about mental health issues that now attract national and even international audiences.
Support research through our Friends Research Scholar Programthat awards yearly grants to early-career neuroscientists and psychiatrists who are at the forefront of new discoveries about the mind and brain in sickness and in health.
You may also contact Wendy Kelman at 310-825-3119
or wkelman@mednet.ucla.edu
Nonprofit Tax I.D.#95-2250801
Please review UCLA and The UCLA Foundation’s Disclosure Statements for Prospective Donors at www.uclafoundation.org/disclosures or contact UCLA Health Sciences Development at (310) 267-9447. Should proceeds, net of event expenses, reach the campus minimum required for the establishment of an endowment or quasi-endowment, The UCLA Foundation reserves the right to use any portion of the net proceeds to create an endowment or quasi-endowment for any charitable or educational purpose. Gifts are managed and invested in accordance with UCLA’s endowment investment policies. The total return earned in excess of the amount approved annually for payout will be retained in the endowment principal to protect from the effects of inflation and to allow for growth. At the discretion of the appropriate campus office, when the payout is not needed for purposes of the fund, the return of payout may be added to the endowment fund principal. In the event the fund does not reach endowment minimum; or the program ceases to exist at UCLA, proceeds from the fund will be utilized in an area and manner as closely related as possible to the original intent and purposes for which the fund was established.Although the Endowment is intended to exist in perpetuity, unforeseen circumstances may alter or remove the subject area from the campus academic plan or it may become impossible, impracticable or wasteful to administer. In such an event, the Chancellor is authorized to redesignate the purpose of the Endowment, after taking into consideration the designated endowment purpose.In compliance with the Charitable Solicitation Ordinance in the City of Los Angeles (L.A. Municipal Code Article 4, Section 44), The UCLA Foundation’s permit is on file with the City of Los Angeles. In compliance with the Charitable Solicitation Ordinance in the City of Beverly Hills (Under Article 8, Section 4-3-801
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