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Friends of the Semel Institute Research Scholar Program

The Friends of the Semel Institute is committed to helping develop the next generation of researchers of the mind and brain in health and disease. The backbone of the Friends Research Scholar Program is starter grants of $25,000 per year for up to two years, focused primarily in providing research funding to assist early career investigators and their development of research in neuroscience and human behavior within the Semel Institute.  All applications will be reviewed by a panel of Semel Institute scientists and board members of The Friends of the Semel Institute. 

The Friends of the Semel Institute is committed to helping develop the next generation of researchers of the mind and brain in health and disease.  The backbone of the Friends Scholar Program is starter grants of $25,000 per year for up to two years, focused primarily in providing research funding to assist early career investigators and their development of research in neuroscience and human behavior within the Semel Institute.  All applications will be reviewed by a panel of Semel Institute scientists and board members of The Friends of the Semel Institute. Those receiving a Friends starter award will be named a Friends’ Scholar.

2022 - 2024 Application Process

Applications are due by 12:00 PM on September 6, 2022 and submitted to Wendy Kelman

For further information on this application process, or to receive an application

Meet The Friends of the Semel Institute Scholar Program

Jennifer L. Kruse, MD

Jennifer L. Kruse, MD

Huvane Family Friends of Semel Scholar

Sarah E. Clingan, PhD

Sarah E. Clingan, PhD

2023-2025 Friends Scholar

Fernando Midea Cuccovia V Reis, PhD

Fernando Midea Cuccovia V Reis, PhD

Nancy and Jon Glaser Family Friends of Semel Scholar 2023-2025

Conor Murray, PhD

Conor Murray, PhD

Margot and Joe Calabrese Family Friends of Semel Scholar 2023-2025

Dr. Mary-Francis O’Connor, PhD

Dr. Mary-Francis O’Connor, PhD

2006 Drown Foundation Friends Fellow

Adam B. Lewin, Ph.D

Adam B. Lewin, Ph.D

2007 Drown Foundation Friends Fellow

Takahiro Nakamura, PhD

Takahiro Nakamura, PhD

2008 The Friends of the Semel Institute Fellow

Hyong Jin Cho, MD, PhD

Hyong Jin Cho, MD, PhD

2008 Drown Foundation Friends Fellow

Shahrdad Lotfipour, PhD

Shahrdad Lotfipour, PhD

2009 Drown Foundation Friends Fellow

Erika L. Nurmi, M.D., PhD

Erika L. Nurmi, M.D., PhD

2008 Drown Foundation Friends Fellow

Theodore M. Hutman, PhD

Theodore M. Hutman, PhD

2010 The Friends of the Semel Institute Fellow

Cara Bohon, PhD

Cara Bohon, PhD

2011 The Friends of the Semel Institute Fellow

Aimee Hunter, PhD

Aimee Hunter, PhD

2013 - 2014 Drown Foundation / Friends Scholar

Tara Peris, PhD

Tara Peris, PhD

2013 - 2014 Friends Scholar

Felipe Jain, MD

Felipe Jain, MD

2013 - 2014 Friends Scholar

Scholar Program Eligibility and Expectations

Post-doctoral scientists in training at UCLA’s Semel Institute.

Junior faculty (Assistant Professor or equivalent) conducting research in the Semel Institute, who have not yet received independent research funding (i.e., K or other extramural awards)

Strong preference is given to translational research projects that do not currently have adequate financial support and show promise for development toward extramural funding

Further consideration will be given to projects that address and/or have clear implications for issues of equity, diversity and inclusion 

Friends Scholars will be asked to present updates on their research to the Board Members of the Friends and/or the Institute in general.

Friends Scholars will be asked to attend one or more Friends receptions to meet donors who supported the program.

Friends Scholars will be required to submit to The Friends a year-end report of research progress that may be shared with donors.

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